Following the Money: The New Anti-Semitism?

by Jim Lobe and Charles Davis  In the 1976 docudrama about the Watergate affair and the fall of Richard Nixon, All the President’s Men, Bob Woodward’s source at the FBI, Deep Throat, tells him to “follow the money.” To the… Continue Reading

GOP Mega-Donor Sheldon Adelson Funds Mysterious Anti-Iran Pressure Group

by Eli Clifton Nearly one-third of anti-Iran pressure group United Against Nuclear Iran’s 2013 budget came from the country’s foremost Republican mega-donor, a man who invested a reported $98 million to defeat Barack Obama in the 2012 election, casino magnate… Continue Reading

Calling Sens. Mitchell, Daschle—Your “Bipartisan” Center Is In Funny Company

by Jim Lobe Former Democratic Sens. George Mitchell and Tom Daschle co-founded the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), along with their former Republican colleagues and fellow former majority leaders, Sens. Howard Baker and Bob Dole back in 2007. The Center, which… Continue Reading

Fuzzy Math From Iran Hawks

by Ali Gharib Being a Washington analyst means never having to say you’re sorry. And so it has been throughout the diplomatic process with Iran, where naysayers who stridently opposed talks have found themselves dealing with the reality of negotiations… Continue Reading

FDD, “Neoconservative,” and the New York Times

by Jim Lobe Anyone who has followed the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) knows it’s a neoconservative organization whose central purpose since its founding in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 has less to do with democracy than with promoting the… Continue Reading