New Neocon Mantra: Iran, like Soviet Union, on Verge of Collapse

by Jim Lobe Iran hawks suddenly have a new mantra: the Islamic Republic is the Soviet Union in the late 1980s, and the Trump administration should work to hasten the regime’s impending collapse. It’s not clear why this comparison has… Continue Reading

Trump Begins Circumventing the Iran Nuclear Deal

by Derek Davison According to Reuters, the U.S. government is planning to impose new sanctions on “multiple Iranian entities” in the coming days, possibly as soon as Friday. If, or when, this comes to pass it will be the first… Continue Reading

Defenders of Democracy Turn To An Awkward Ally: Saudi Arabia

by Ali Gharib So desperate to punish Iran are the hawks of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies that they’re willing to partner with one of the least democratic countries on earth to get it done. In an op-ed in… Continue Reading

Neoconservatives Play the Long Game on Iran

by David Bromwich “We’re going to push and push until some larger force makes us stop.” David Addington, the legal adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney, made that declaration to Jack Goldsmith of the Office of Legal Counsel in the… Continue Reading

The Bomb Iran Lobby Gears Up for 2016

by Sina Toossi In a recent TV ad, a van snakes its way through an American city. As the driver fiddles with the radio dial, dire warnings about the perils of a “nuclear Iran” spill out of the speaker from… Continue Reading