Hawks on Iran

Lobe Log publishes Hawks on Iran every Friday. Our posts highlight militaristic commentary and confrontational policy recommendations about Iran from a variety of sources including news articles, think tanks and pundits. Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post: The neoconservative pundit attacks the Obama… Continue Reading

Ali Gharib: Lessons of 2007 Israeli raid on Syria can’t be applied to Iran

Examining a New Yorker article by the Israel-focused Washington Institute’s David Makovsky, the Daily Beast’s Ali Gharib observes that in contrast to Makovsky’s analysis, “The lessons of the Israeli raid on Syria in 2007 can’t be applied to Iran’s nuclear program”:… Continue Reading

Aid to PA Supported By…Elliott Abrams?

Yesterday, the House of Representatives’ Committee on Foreign Affairs held a hearing on the future of aid to the Palestinian Authority. Aid to the PA is under bi-partisan attack in Congress due to the Palestinians’ campaign to somehow upgrade their… Continue Reading

Self-fulfilling prophecy: Dennis Ross Doesn’t Think Anything Can Get Accomplished

I was struck by an article by Nathan Guttman in the legendary Jewish Daily Forward about Dennis Ross and George Mitchell jockeying for the position of Obama Administration’s point-person in the Middle East peace process. The whole thing is a… Continue Reading