Cotton Makes Aim of Iran Sanctions Legislation Kristol Clear

by Jim Lobe As foes of a nuclear deal with Iran prepare new sanctions legislation that the Obama administration firmly opposes, Arkansas’s new Republican senator, Tom Cotton, told a policy conference at the far-right Heritage Foundation Tuesday that the pending… Continue Reading

GOP Mega-Donor Sheldon Adelson Funds Mysterious Anti-Iran Pressure Group

by Eli Clifton Nearly one-third of anti-Iran pressure group United Against Nuclear Iran’s 2013 budget came from the country’s foremost Republican mega-donor, a man who invested a reported $98 million to defeat Barack Obama in the 2012 election, casino magnate… Continue Reading

Iran’s NPT Withdrawal Option

by François Nicoullaud The risk of failure in the ongoing negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program has increased after the most recent meetings in Oman and Vienna. The resolution of the key remaining points of contention—about Iran’s enrichment capacity and,… Continue Reading

Sanctions and Symmetry in the Iran Negotiations

by Paul R. Pillar Notwithstanding the obvious asymmetries in soon-to-resume nuclear negotiations with Iran (it’s Iran’s nuclear program, not the U.S. one, that is being restricted; it’s the United States, not Iran, that is sanctioning someone else’s economy) the perceptual… Continue Reading