Diplomatic Blunders Endanger Victory with Iran in Geneva

by Robert E. Hunter “Victory has a thousand fathers; defeat is an orphan” — John Kennedy’s pithy phrase also has its opposite. We have seen this since last weekend’s failed effort to reach an accord on nuclear matters between Iran… Continue Reading

Kerry/Zarif Meet; Rouhani Answers Tough Questions

by Jasmin Ramsey The US and Iran made history today here in New York City. While many prominent American members of the press, academic, business and think tank worlds were listening intently to President Hassan Rouhani give a speech at… Continue Reading

Worrying Development Ahead of Resumed Talks with Iran

Laura Rozen reports that the six world power negotiating team may not be revamping its package to be more generous with Iran as many were hoping (Russia has not even signed on to the new version yet) ahead of resumed talks… Continue Reading

Clinton says US open to direct talks with Iran (again)

Further to Jim’s post on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s explicit statement on Friday that Washington wants bilateral talks with Iran, are similar comments she made on Nov. 30 at the Foreign Policy Group’s “Transformational Trends 2013” Forum: QUESTION: Robin Wright. SECRETARY… Continue Reading

Bolder Obama on Middle East, Climate in Second Term?

via IPS News With President Barack Obama winning re-election, foreign policy analysts here are pondering whether his victory will translate into major changes from the rather cautious approach he followed overseas in his first term. For now, speculation is focused… Continue Reading