President Obama has time to deal with Iran, if only he knew it

by Mark Jansson Although President Obama has another four years, he will surely continue to hear from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu and a chorus of critics at home, that he has far less time to convince Iran to… Continue Reading

On what a Second-Term President Obama should do with Iran

George Washington Political Science Professor Mark Lynch in Foreign Policy: With military action in the background but not imminent, and sanctions taking a real political and economic toll inside of Iran, now seems to be the right time to begin a serious… Continue Reading

What’s Next on Iran’s Nuclear Dossier?

The always thorough Mark Hibbs has a smart piece regarding the meaning of the resolution passed last week by the International Atomic Energy Association’s (IAEA) Board of Governors regarding Iran’s nuclear program. The resolution was initiated by the P5+1 (the… Continue Reading

Can Iran’s NAM Presidency help Resolve the Nuclear Dispute?

On 20 August Al-Monitor published a perceptive article about the upcoming Iranian three-year presidency of the Nonaligned Movement (NAM). The authors were Abbas Maleki, who was a deputy foreign minister of Iran for many years, and Kaveh Afrasiabi. One of… Continue Reading

Tale of a Missed Opportunity

by Peter Jenkins When two or more aficionados of the Iranian nuclear controversy are gathered together, the conversation will turn at some point to whether opportunities for resolving the issue peacefully have been missed. Some see a missed opportunity in… Continue Reading