Israeli Nukes Meets Atomic Irony in the Middle East

by Paul R. Pillar The stated rationale for the United States casting on Tuesday one of the very lonely votes it sometimes casts at the United Nations General Assembly, on matters on which almost the entire world sees things differently,… Continue Reading

Iran’s Enrichment Offer: So Near And Yet Not Far Enough

by Peter Jenkins So much has been written and said about the uranium enrichment aspect of the 14-month nuclear negotiation with Iran that it is hard to look at it with fresh eyes, and starting from first principles. Nonetheless what… Continue Reading

Can Iran’s NAM Presidency help Resolve the Nuclear Dispute?

On 20 August Al-Monitor published a perceptive article about the upcoming Iranian three-year presidency of the Nonaligned Movement (NAM). The authors were Abbas Maleki, who was a deputy foreign minister of Iran for many years, and Kaveh Afrasiabi. One of… Continue Reading