Enduring Bases, Enduring War in the Middle East

by David Vine Amid the distractions of the holiday season, the New York Times revealed that the Obama administration is considering a Pentagon proposal to create a “new” and “enduring” system of military bases around the Middle East.  Though this… Continue Reading

Rumsfeld Redux: GloboCop Reconfirmed

by Jim Lobe Yesterday’s New York Times front-page story, “Pentagon Seeks to Knit Foreign Bases into ISIS-Foiling Network,” is hardly surprising in terms of content. But the phrasing of the headline provoked a flood of memories recalling some of my… Continue Reading

America’s Empire of African Bases

by Nick Turse In the shadows of what was once called the “dark continent,” a scramble has come and gone. If you heard nothing about it, that was by design. But look hard enough and — north to south, east… Continue Reading