RJC, EMET, Eric Cantor to host ‘Iranium’ on the Hill

While following up on my review, with my colleague Eli Clifton, of the new Clarion Fund film “Iranium,” I stumbled upon an invite for a Capitol Hill screening of the film. The showing of the movie in the Rayburn House… Continue Reading

The Neocon-Islamophobe Nexus: Clarion brings together Perle and Gaffney

The Clarion Fund has been careful to claim that their documentary films, which have included “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West” and “The Third Jihad,” are neither partisan nor designed to fan the flames of Islamophobia. But recent associations… Continue Reading

Clarion Fund Discloses Hawkish “Advisory Board” Before Launch of Iran Documentary

Salon’s Justin Elliott has new evidence indicating who funded the Clarion Fund’s 2008 distribution of 28-million DVDs of the Islamophobic documentary, Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West. Starting in 2008, we began writing about the films produced and distributed by… Continue Reading

Sharia Report Author Has Record of Hate Against Muslims, Jews, African-Americans

I wrote yesterday about the new report “Shariah: the Threat to America,” which has been endorsed by prominent Republican politicians like Pete Hoekstra and Michele Bachmann. The report suggests that any Muslims who “espouse or support shariah” — that is… Continue Reading