Clueless in Cairo

How Egypt’s Generals Sidelined Uncle Sam by Dilip Hiro Since September 11, 2001, Washington’s policies in the Middle East have proven a grim imperial comedy of errors and increasingly a spectacle of how a superpower is sidelined. In this drama, barely… Continue Reading

The Kremlin and the Kingdom: Contradictory Signals?

by Mark N. Katz Two storylines about Saudi-Russian relations have recently dominated the airwaves. One is that Moscow and Riyadh are sharply divided by several issues: not only Syria and Iran, but also Crimea and the Russian belief that the… Continue Reading

Arab Publics Prefer Light U.S. Footprint, Even in Syria

by Jim Lobe In contrast to some of their leaders, people across the Arab world prefer President Barack Obama’s efforts to reduce Washington’s military footprint in the Middle East to the approach favored by neoconservatives and other U.S. hawks, according… Continue Reading

Toward Better US-Iran Relations

by Derek Davison The challenge of rebuilding the once strong but now broken ties between the United States and Iran was the topic of a June 3 Atlantic Council event, “US-Iran Relations: Past, Present, and Future.” The discussion, moderated by… Continue Reading