Bolton in Wonderland

by John Feffer Only 70 days into his presidency, Ronald Reagan faced an assassination attempt. While he was in surgery and the vice president was mid-flight over Texas, Secretary of State Alexander Haig famously declared in front of the press,… Continue Reading

Newspaper of Wreckage

by Derek Davison The New York Times is often called the “newspaper of record,” which is supposed to sound very authoritative. But when you consider its performance in obfuscating, overhyping, under-investigating, and/or outright lying the United States into war, maybe… Continue Reading

The Media’s Shameful Handling of Bolton’s Iran Threat Claims Recalls the Run-up to the Iraq War

By Ben Armbruster   Media-savvy U.S. government officials, political operatives, and lawmakers and their staffs from all political parties and ideological persuasions have no doubt, throughout the history of our great country, duped a fair-minded but unwitting reporter into writing… Continue Reading

Iran’s Patience May Be Running Out

by Derek Davison The Iranian government’s decision to reduce its adherence to the 2015 nuclear deal (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or JCPOA) reflects a “move from strategic patience to strategic action” in the face of mounting U.S. sanctions, according… Continue Reading