All Eyes on Egypt, Daniel Pipes Looks to Iran

Everyone’s watching Egypt. Everyone. But Daniel Pipes sees right through it, to where Iran is lurking in the background. It’s right there in the opinion section of the Washington Times, where even Frank Gaffney is zoomed in on the Muslim… Continue Reading

RJC, EMET, Eric Cantor to host ‘Iranium’ on the Hill

While following up on my review, with my colleague Eli Clifton, of the new Clarion Fund film “Iranium,” I stumbled upon an invite for a Capitol Hill screening of the film. The showing of the movie in the Rayburn House… Continue Reading

Dennis Ross Sits on Board for Daniel Pipes’s Journal

Earlier this week, I chronicled some of Amb. Dennis Ross‘ interactions with, white-washing of, and seeming affinity for several neoconservative individuals, groups, and ideas. A top Obama administration adviser with an ever-growing portfolio including Iran and, more recently, the Israeli-Arab… Continue Reading

The Daily Talking Points

News and views on U.S.-Iran relations for November 26, 2010: Jerusalem Post: The right-wing English language Israeli daily has a piece by columnist Michael Freund, who revives the push that U.S. President Barack Obama can save his presidency by attacking Iran.… Continue Reading

Clarion Fund Discloses Hawkish “Advisory Board” Before Launch of Iran Documentary

Salon’s Justin Elliott has new evidence indicating who funded the Clarion Fund’s 2008 distribution of 28-million DVDs of the Islamophobic documentary, Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West. Starting in 2008, we began writing about the films produced and distributed by… Continue Reading