Iran Nuclear Talks Restart with New Tone
by Jasmin Ramsey Geneva — On the eve of their resumed negotiations, Iran and the 6-world power P5+1 have set a tone differing from that sounded in talks before Iran’s June presidential election.
by Jasmin Ramsey Geneva — On the eve of their resumed negotiations, Iran and the 6-world power P5+1 have set a tone differing from that sounded in talks before Iran’s June presidential election.
by Shawn Amoei In the latest sign of increasing press freedom and Iranian receptivity towards a thaw in relations with the United States, one of Iran’s leading dailies published on Monday an interview with the State Department’s Persian-language spokesman, Alan Eyre. With his… Continue Reading
by Jim Lobe via IPS News For the first time in many months, supporters of intensified diplomatic engagement with Iran appear to be gaining strength here. Following last month’s surprise election of Hassan Rouhani – widely considered the most moderate of… Continue Reading
by Jasmin Ramsey The Jun. 14 election of Hassan Rouhani, nicknamed the “diplomatic sheik” during his service as Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator from 2003-2005, to Iran’s presidency was met with hopeful celebrations within the country. But reactions from key world… Continue Reading
by Jim Lobe via IPS News While the tenth anniversary last month of Washington’s invasion of Iraq provoked overwhelmingly negative reviews of the adventure except among its most die-hard neo-conservative proponents, a more recent – albeit far less dramatic and… Continue Reading