For Saudi Women, A Weighty Development

by Thomas W. Lippman Jeddah, Saudi Arabia—On Palestine Street, in the heart of this steamy port city, the Baskin Robbins store and Dunkin’ Donuts have a new neighbor, Gold’s Gym. Inside, the gym is presumably similar to others in the… Continue Reading

The Unthinkable Targets

by Thomas W. Lippman Riyadh, Saudi Arabia—An anonymous posting on an extremist website has exposed a new area of concern about the security of Americans and other westerners throughout the Middle East—their children’s schools. Diplomatic and military installations have been… Continue Reading


The doors at Takt-e Soileman, Iran. Photo by Monica Byrne.

by Monica Byrne Before I traveled to Iran, I didn’t want to read anything about Iran. Certainly nothing written by mainstream American news media, which often draws an absurdist caricature of the country. I wanted to arrive with an open… Continue Reading

Iran Nuclear Talks: Is a Deal by Nov. 24 Possible?

by Ellie Geranmayeh Intensive nuclear talks between Iran and various world powers this week in Oman did little to signal that a comprehensive deal is on track to meet its 24 November deadline. But then again, a similar mood surrounded the… Continue Reading

UANI Targets Legal Humanitarian Trade With Iran

by Eli Clifton and Ali Gharib The anti-Iran pressure group United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) claims as its mission to stop the Iranian nuclear program. A big part of its effort revolves around what it calls “private sanctions campaigns”—attempts to get consumers… Continue Reading