Obama’s Subtle Message To Israel: You’re Not My Top Priority Anymore

by Mitchell Plitnick All was not as it seemed during President Barack Obama’s appearances in Jerusalem and Ramallah, where he addressed audiences of Israelis and Palestinians. On the surface, it looked like Obama was swearing fealty to Israel, and pledging… Continue Reading

Iraq in the Rearview Mirror

by James A. Russell As the country makes a half-hearted attempt to sort through the wreckage of its experience in Iraq 10 years later, the country would do well to remind itself of a few central and searing uncomfortable truths.… Continue Reading

Clanging Symbols: Obama’s 50 Hours in Israel

by Marsha B. Cohen US President Barack Obama has arrived in Israel. Greeted by Israeli President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu (who wore a blue tie that almost exactly matched Obama’s), the US president was quickly ushered to… Continue Reading

Ten Years After Iraq War, Neo-Cons Struggle to Hold Republicans

by Jim Lobe via IPS News Ten years after reaching the height of their influence with the invasion of Iraq, the neo-conservatives and other right-wing hawks are fighting hard to retain their control of the Republican Party. That fight was… Continue Reading

Q&A on the Iranian Nuclear Crisis with Yousaf Butt

by Jasmin Ramsey It’s not unusual for evidence supposedly indicating an Iranian nuclear weapons program to be leaked to the press, but how credible is that evidence and how should the press be handling it? For example, late last year,… Continue Reading