Iran War Game “Tell me how this ends” Highlights Massive “Military option” costs

The Truman National Security Project has created an interactive version of a war game with Iran. The goal is to highlight the costs of using the military option — financially massive and downright bad for US allies and forces in the… Continue Reading

Oil, Geo-Political Experts Say Attacking Iran Poses Huge Risks

As a bastion of foreign-policy realism, the Center for the National Interest (CNI), formerly the Nixon Center, is known around Washington for hosting very lively discussions among experts, and Friday’s session, entitled “War With Iran: Economic and Military Considerations”, was… Continue Reading

Expect High Human Toll from Robust Military Assault Against Iranian Nuclear Program

An excellent October 18 article, “The Myth of ‘Surgical Strikes’ on Iran“, by David Isenberg highlighted many of the conclusions of a sobering study by industrialist Khosrow Semnani on the potentially steep human cost of even a relatively selective attack against Iran’s diverse nuclear infrastructure. Semnani maintains… Continue Reading

High Frequency Trading, “Dark Pools”, and Large Energy Price Shocks (read: war in the Gulf)

About 32 percent of all stock trades in the US stock markets are being done “off market” in “dark pools” and other confidential “trading platforms”. Trading on well-known markets such as the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ has been… Continue Reading

Shadow Banking and War with Iran

Shadow banks may control about 25 to 30 percent of the world’s financial system. They may be about 50 percent of all banking assets in the world. I say may in both of those sentences because it is hard to… Continue Reading