US and Iran Send Positive Signals Ahead of UNGA

by Jasmin Ramsey Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Amazing things have been happening on the US-Iran front, which began to defrost following Hassan Rouhani’s presidential inauguration this summer. I’ve listed some of them… Continue Reading

Killing Iranian Scientists Is Terrorism: U.S. Official

I forgot to blog on this when it came up last week, but, in the wake of the State Department’s decision to de-list the MEK, two “senior State Department officials” who cannot be otherwise identified, briefed the press on the… Continue Reading

Israel drones on about attacking Iran…but will it fly?

Is Israel actually capable of successfully carrying out its winner-take-all high tech attack on Iran that could destroy or (more likely) might delay the development of Iran’s budding nuclear program, at minimal cost–financial, environmental or in casualties–to itself or anyone else except Iran? Could the consequences of an Israeli attack on Iran that didn’t succeed be almost as bad–or even worse–than one that did? Continue Reading

Winds of Change in the Mainstream Media?

While Hosni Mubarak’s thirty years in power appears to be coming to an end, another, quieter change appears to be overcoming U.S. mainstream media. Outlets such as CNN and MSNBC have been asking pointed questions about the U.S.’s tangled Middle… Continue Reading

The Daily Talking Points

News and views relevant to U.S.-Iran relations for September 16. Reuters: Louis Charbonneau reports on calls from the U.S., British and French envoys to the UN to expedite the formation a UN panel to monitor Iran’s compliance with sanctions. “We… Continue Reading