The Foreign Consequences of Trump’s Racism

by Paul R. Pillar Donald Trump is waging the most explicitly racist major U.S. presidential campaign since the third-party candidacy of segregationist George C. Wallace in 1968. The exploitation of bias based on ethnicity or religion has taken more subtle… Continue Reading

Life in the Gray Zone

by John Feffer In the 13th century, the Italian town of Lucera was a Muslim island in a sea of Christendom. Here Frederick II, the head of the Holy Roman Empire, established his own shadow cabinet of scholars and advisors… Continue Reading

Trump, the Islamic State, and the Cliche of Civilizations

by John Feffer I was listening to a German parliamentarian the other night. She was making some anodyne comments about transatlantic friendship and the importance of culture. And then she veered off to mention the recent attacks in Paris and… Continue Reading

Convicted Liar Lies About Obama’s “Shameful” Refugee Policy

by Eli Clifton Elliott Abrams’ conviction for lying to Congress during the Iran-Contra hearings should offer some indication of the neoconservative’s loyalty to the truth. But that setback certainly hasn’t discouraged Abrams from taking shortcuts with facts in the greater… Continue Reading