Poll: Arab Views of US Low, Support for Palestinians High

 by Derek Davison A year and a half into his presidency, Donald Trump’s two biggest beneficiaries in the Middle East have been Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman. To Netanyahu, Trump has been… Continue Reading

Middle East: History Threatens to Repeat Itself

by James M. Dorsey If the notion that history repeats itself is accurate, it is nowhere truer than in the Middle East where the international community, caught by surprise by the 2011 popular Arab revolts, has reverted to opting for… Continue Reading

Is GOP Mideast Policy “Bought and Paid for” by Likudist Republican Group?

by Jim Lobe and Eli Clifton Mega-billionaire and the Trump campaign’s single biggest donor Sheldon Adelson has pledged to contribute $30 million to the Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) Super PAC to defend the Republican majority in the House of Representatives… Continue Reading