Hawks on Iran

Lobe Log publishes Hawks on Iran every Friday. Our posts highlight militaristic commentary and confrontational policy recommendations about Iran from a variety of sources including news articles, think tanks and pundits. William Kristol & Jamie Fly, Weekly Standard: Neoconservative pundit William… Continue Reading

NYT’s Michael Gordon’s Record in Iraq

I have a longish piece up at the Tehran Bureau website: a follow-up on my Columbia Journalism Review piece that asks some uncomfortable questions about New York Times reporter Michael Gordon’s past record and how his reporting on Iran’s nefarious… Continue Reading

2002 deja vu: neocons conflate Iran and Al Qaeda

I have a new piece up at AlterNet detailing how Cliff May, the president of the Foundation to Defend Democracies, is up to his old tricks. In a recent piece on National Review Online, May united Iran and Al Qaeda… Continue Reading

The Osirak Example: Will Airstrikes Work At All?

In his speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, Sen. Joe Lieberman made a small concession. “[T]he use of military force is not the ‘ideal way’ to stop the Iranian nuclear program,” he said. The truth is, while hawks portray… Continue Reading