A Bit More on Dennis Ross

by Ali Gharib By way of a brief update to my recent post on Dennis Ross’s Blame America First outlook on the rocky US-Israel relationship, I think it’s worthwhile to come up to speed on a couple of late-developing points.… Continue Reading

Dick Cheney Never Disappoints

by Jim Lobe Previewing his September 8 address on the Iran deal to (who else?) the American Enterprise Institute, Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz have published a lengthy op-ed (“Restoring American Exceptionalism”) in Saturday’s print edition of The Wall… Continue Reading

After Iran, Is North Korea Next?

by John Feffer During the George W. Bush years, pundits and journalists were constantly speculating whether North Korea would be next in line for regime change. After all, Bush had included North Korea in his “axis of evil” speech in… Continue Reading

Will Obama’s Legacy Start or Stop with the Nuclear Deal?

by Henry Johnson Much to the chagrin of those who oppose Obama’s nuclear deal, there is no telling where the informal bonds created by hours of unrelenting talks will end up taking the US and Iran. The departure of Javad… Continue Reading