To Fix Iraq, Don’t Lose Sight of Syria

by Julien Barnes-Dacey The designation of Haider al-Abadi as the new prime minister of Iraq is a significant step toward opposing the Islamic State if his premiership can be secured and fulfils the potential to create an urgently needed cross-sectarian coalition… Continue Reading

Profiting From Iranophobia?

by Jim Lobe Eli has a new blog post on The Nation’s website today that provides additional details about the curious — one is tempted to say incestuous — relationship between the staff of United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) and the corporate… Continue Reading

Getting Gaza Back on Its Feet

by Emile Nakhleh As Israelis and Palestinians continue their discussions in Cairo, it’s time for the international community and the regional states to begin searching for a long-term economic and political solution for the Gaza Strip. Let’s not be lulled,… Continue Reading

In Iraq, an Opening for the Saudis

Thomas W. Lippman The appointment of Haidar al-Abadi as prime minister of Iraq gives Saudi Arabia an opportunity to end its futile and counterproductive ostracism of its northern neighbor, and the Saudis appear prepared to seize it. Assuming that Abadi… Continue Reading

Framing the Gaza Narrative

by Mitchell Plitnick With US bombs dropping on Iraq once again and Israeli troops having moved out of Gaza, the fighting between Hamas and Israel has faded a bit from the headlines. But the battle to dominate the narrative of the 2014 Gaza… Continue Reading