Convicted Liar Lies About Obama’s “Shameful” Refugee Policy

by Eli Clifton Elliott Abrams’ conviction for lying to Congress during the Iran-Contra hearings should offer some indication of the neoconservative’s loyalty to the truth. But that setback certainly hasn’t discouraged Abrams from taking shortcuts with facts in the greater… Continue Reading

The Mindless Militarism of Max Boot

by Jim Lobe There’s so much hysterical nonsense spewing forth from the neocon/Republican echo chamber in the wake of the Paris massacres that it’s very difficult to know where to begin to focus one’s attention.

Egypt: Hossam Bahgat is One of the Lucky Journalists

by Derek Davison Last Sunday, the Egyptian military arrested investigative journalist and human rights activist Hossam Bahgat and interrogated him for several hours. According to the website Mada Masr, where Bahgat was a regular contributor, he was accused of violating articles… Continue Reading