Pakistan Walking a Fine Line over Yemen

by Fatemeh Aman Tensions are on the rise between Pakistan and its Arab allies over Pakistan’s refusal to take sides in the Yemen crisis. Pakistanis show no interest in participating in a war that could jeopardize their relationship with Iran,… Continue Reading

Economics Will Decide the Fate of the Iran Deal

by Djavad Salehi-Isfahani Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has a terrible record in predicting the future of Iran’s nuclear programme, but it’s hard to argue with his suggestion that last week’s accord between Iran and the P5+1 countries will “bolster Iran’s… Continue Reading

The U.S. Military’s Battlefield of Tomorrow

by Nick Turse For three days, wearing a kaleidoscope of camouflage patterns, they huddled together on a military base in Florida. They came from U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) and U.S. Army Special Operations Command, from France and Norway, from… Continue Reading