Gaza, Iran and Israel’s Never-ending War with Reality

Okay, it seems I spoke too soon. Hamas is now back in the “Iranian-supported” camp according to this editorial in the New York Times, which identifies Hamas as both “backed by Iran” and pathologically “consumed with hatred for Israel.” President Shimon… Continue Reading

Israel Uses Social Media To Defend Its Assault on Gaza

The current Israeli onslaught against Gaza contains many echoes of the assault four years ago. In one regard, however, it is clear that Israel learned some lessons from its experience with “Operation Cast Lead” and is applying it to “Operation… Continue Reading

Dershowitz, Aslan & Perry debate Israel vs. Gaza on CNN

Mark Perry — who recently explained that the “chance for calm” has been assassinated by Israel in the past — on the current potential for a ceasefire (via CNN’s transcript): MARK PERRY, MIDDLE EAST EXPERT: I would have said six hours ago if you had… Continue Reading

Gregory D. Johnsen: John Brennan is the wrong man for the CIA

Gregory D. Johnsen, a Princeton scholar who has emerged as a key Yemen analyst, explains why promoting John O. Brennan to CIA director following David Petraeus’ resignation is counterproductive: Mr. Brennan is the president’s chief counterterrorism adviser and the architect of… Continue Reading