Dereliction of Duty

by James A. Russell It’s hard to know whether to laugh or cry listening to President Obama’s series of retrospective interviews on radio and television about his eight years in office. He invariably comes off as a bright, reasonable, detached… Continue Reading

Commandos Without Borders

by Nick Turse Al-Qaeda doesn’t care about borders. Neither does the Islamic State or Boko Haram. Brigadier General Donald Bolduc thinks the same way. “[T]errorists, criminals, and non-state actors aren’t bound by arbitrary borders,” the commander of Special Operations Command… Continue Reading

John Bolton, Contender for Top Trump Role, Spoke at Settler Fundraiser

 by Eli Clifton President-elect Donald Trump’s decision to pick David Friedman, the president of American Friends of Beit El, a charity which raises tax-deductible contributions to fund the Beit El settlement in the West Bank, as the next U.S. ambassador… Continue Reading

Partisan Tribalism and Attitudes Toward Russia

by Paul R. Pillar A poll conducted by YouGov shows that sentiment among Republicans toward Russian President Vladimir Putin has become significantly more positive (or at least significantly less negative) than it was just a couple of years ago.  This… Continue Reading

The United States Can’t Have Its JCPOA and Eat It Too

by Shireen T. Hunter Last year’s nuclear agreement with Iran, the Joint Comprehensive Program of Action (JCPOA), has many detractors in the United States and elsewhere, including U.S. allies such as Saudi Arabia and Israel. They have always maintained that… Continue Reading