Trump’s Embrace of Netanyahu Will Haunt Middle East for Years

by Phyllis Bennis For Israelis, the questions had been hovering for months. Would the right-wing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claim victory and a fifth term, moving his far-right Likud government coalition even further right? Or would the supposedly “centrist” challenger,… Continue Reading

The Israel Anti-Boycott Act Is an Act of Political Persecution

by Lara Friedman There’s been a lot of debate over the Israel Anti-Boycott Act. The ACLU—the standard-bearer of all matters related to civil rights and liberties—says unequivocally that the bill violates the First Amendment right to free speech. Others, including… Continue Reading

John Kerry Nails It: Realities of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

by Paul R. Pillar Secretary of State John Kerry’s speech this week on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an excellent statement of the realities that are inescapable aspects of this conflict and that anyone who claims to deal with the dispute… Continue Reading