Say what? “AP: Diagram suggests Iran working on nuclear bomb”

Those unnamed officials “from a country critical of Iran’s nuclear program” are at it again. This week they leaked an illustration to to the Associated Press which supposedly demonstrates that “Iranian scientists have run computer simulations for a nuclear weapon that… Continue Reading

Sucking Up to the Military Brass

Generals Who Run Amuck, Politicians Who Could Care Less, an “Embedded” Media… And Us By William J. Astore via Tom Dispatch Few things have characterized the post-9/11 American world more than our worshipful embrace of our generals. They’ve become our… Continue Reading

Israel, UK and US fail to get Palestinians to Withdraw or Blunt UN Resolution

The vote in the United Nations General Assembly on the Palestinian application for non-member status is a foregone conclusion. They’re going to win and it’s not really going to matter much, at least in the short term. Nonetheless, the decidedly warped… Continue Reading

Report: Iran Sanctions Harming Iranian-Americans

The Asian Law Caucus (ALC), in collaboration with the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) and several other Iranian-American organizations, has released a publication titled “Unintended Victims: The Impact of the Iran Sanctions on Iranian Americans.” News reports continue to spell… Continue Reading

The Gaza Crisis: A Strategic Boon for Iran

The recent war in Gaza has been portrayed as a political dividend for the main protagonists, namely Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu, Egypt’s Mohammad Morsi, and the Hamas leadership in Gaza, despite the tremendous psychological, infrastructural and humanitarian costs borne by innocent… Continue Reading