Apocalypse Approach Update
By Robert Wright Keeping track of Donald Trump’s contributions to the coming of the apocalypse is a job too big for any one person. The best I can do is check in every month or so and list a few… Continue Reading
By Robert Wright Keeping track of Donald Trump’s contributions to the coming of the apocalypse is a job too big for any one person. The best I can do is check in every month or so and list a few… Continue Reading
By Robert Wright The New York Times wants to make sure you know that Trump’s withdrawal of US troops from northern Syria has strengthened US adversaries. On Tuesday, after Kurds imperiled by the withdrawal cut a deal with the Syrian… Continue Reading
by Robert Wright This week’s abrupt withdrawal of US troops from a Kurdish enclave in northern Syria inspired a variety of criticisms, as politicians and commentators of all major ideological stripes condemned Trump for ordering it.
by Robert Wright When military conflict between the United States and Iran seems to be approaching, and you’re trying to get a clear picture of the situation, I’m only half-kidding when I say there’s a case to be made for… Continue Reading
by Robert Wright According to some officials in Sri Lanka, last week’s bombing of hotels and churches by ISIS-affiliated jihadists came in retaliation for the mosque shooting in ChristChurch, New Zealand five weeks earlier. There are reasons to doubt this… Continue Reading