The Executive Order Puts Us in Limbo

by Mina Al-Oraibi Sadness. Frustration. Encouragement. Bewilderment. Anger. Motivation. Name the emotion, I have gone through it since last Friday when President Donald Trump stuck to his campaign pledge and imposed a blanket travel ban on millions, while suspending refugee… Continue Reading

An Order That Will Increase Terrorism

by Paul R. Pillar Donald Trump’s efforts, during his first week in office, to give substance to his campaign rhetoric have involved executive orders that have generated reactions ranging from bemusement over their vagueness to worried waiting for other shoes… Continue Reading

Ahmadinejad Cans FM, Replaces with Nuke Chief

Does the selection of Iran’s nuclear czar as its new (interim) foreign minister say anything about nuclear negotiations between Iran and the West? We don’t really know, and given that the next round of talks is only a month away, we might… Continue Reading