Experts: Attacking Iran will Result in Bomb-making Spree

William J. Broad of the New York Times provides a compilation of quotes from experts on Iran’s nuclear program in his report about the growing list of reasons against militarily attacking the country. In short, bombing Iran will spur a bomb-making spree… Continue Reading

Meanwhile in Iran

This lonely press briefing issued today by the United Nations about ongoing political imprisonment in Iran reminds us that the more the international community focuses on Iran’s nuclear program, the less attention is given to Iranian human rights. These rights are… Continue Reading

Roger Cohen: “Netanyahu has talked himself into a corner on Iran.”

The New York Times columnist explains how and why the Israeli Prime Minister’s “blunders” on Iran are counter-productive and self-defeating: Netanyahu has talked himself into a corner on Iran. He has set so many “red lines” on the Iranian nuclear… Continue Reading

Hawks on Iran

Lobe Log publishes Hawks on Iran every Friday. Our posts highlight militaristic commentary and confrontational policy recommendations about Iran from a variety of sources including news articles, think tanks and pundits. Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post: The neoconservative pundit attacks the Obama… Continue Reading

Report: Long list of costs for Military Action Against Iran

by Jasmin Ramsey Extended military strikes by the United States alone or conducted with Israel could destroy or damage Iran’s most important nuclear sites, but will only temporarily set back Iran’s nuclear program for up to four years, according to… Continue Reading