Is the U.S. Facilitating the Use of Mercenaries in Yemen?

by William D. Hartung The recent New York Times report that the United Arab Emirates is paying, arming, and training retired soldiers from Colombia and other Latin American countries to fight in Yemen marks a troubling turning point in the… Continue Reading

Is John Kerry an Anti-Semite?

by Jim Lobe For a rather slow Thanksgiving weekend, must reading should include an article on The Nation website by Henry Siegman, a former head of both the American Jewish Congress and the Synagogue Council of America. The article assails a full-page ad that… Continue Reading

When the New York Times Becomes a Shill for Iran’s Hardline Press

by Farideh Farhi The headline in The New York Times Story on Iran on August 31 was succinct. It stated: “Iranian State Media Reports Arrest of Reformist Politician.” Although the headline later changed to “Reformist Politician Is Said to be Held,”… Continue Reading