Obama Mulling Broader Strikes Against ISIS?

by Jim Lobe This week’s video-taped beheading of a U.S. journalist by the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) has spurred renewed calls for President Barack Obama to broaden Washington’s military efforts to strike the terrorist group, including in… Continue Reading

Profiting From Iranophobia?

by Jim Lobe Eli has a new blog post on The Nation’s website today that provides additional details about the curious — one is tempted to say incestuous — relationship between the staff of United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) and the corporate… Continue Reading

U.S.: What Is the Greatest Threat of Them All?

by Jim Lobe* This month’s stunning campaign by Sunni insurgents led by the radical Islamic State of Syria and the Levant (ISIL) against the mainly Shi’a government of Iraqi President Nouri Al-Maliki is stoking a growing debate here about the… Continue Reading

As Iraq Anniversary Fades, “Strategic Narcissism” Stands out

by Jim Lobe via IPS News After a week of retrospectives on the tenth anniversary of Washington’s ill-fated invasion of Iraq, the most compelling consisted of a retrospective of the retrospectives. It came from Marc Lynch, an expert on Arab… Continue Reading

Obama Boosts Syria Support as Congress Pushes Military Intervention

by Samer Araabi via IPS News  As the Syrian uprising enters its third year, the United States and its allies are preparing to materially increase their support of the armed opposition in Syria. Secretary of State John Kerry pledged an… Continue Reading