Cole to Broder: War with Iran ‘would just about finish us off as a nation’

In Monday’s Talking Points, I chronicled some of the initial responses to David Broder’s Washington Post column this past weekend. Broder suggested President Obama could revitalize the economy by going to war with Iran. The responses were mostly negative: Despite winning… Continue Reading

The Daily Talking Points

News and views relevant to U.S.-Iran relations for October 30 – November 1, 2010: The Washington Post: David Broder suggests since Obama can not control the “tidal force” of the marketplace, one other option for getting the United States out… Continue Reading

Duss: Yes, Iran like USSR, Only ‘far, far weaker’

On Think Progress’s Wonk Room, Matt Duss reviews Carnegie associate Karim Sadjadpour’s Foreign Policy article about which historical model best fits U.S.-Iran relations. (Eli covered Sadjadpour’s piece last week.) Duss agrees with Sadjadpour’s conclusion that the Soviet Union is the… Continue Reading