Declassified CIA Document says Reasons for Iraqi deception about WMDs were misread

Considering the misleading claims made about non-existent Iraqi and Iranian nuclear weapons, and the ramifications of another costly and catastrophic war, there should be more analyses like Scott Peterson’s highlighting of lessons from the lead-up to the 2003 US invasion of Iraq. A declassified… Continue Reading

Avoiding the Slippery Slope to War with Iran

via IPS News Amidst reports that stalled negotiations with Iran over its controversial nuclear programme may soon be jump-started, many here are arguing that a mutually negotiated settlement remains the most effective option for resolving the dispute and averting the… Continue Reading

Report: Long list of costs for Military Action Against Iran

by Jasmin Ramsey Extended military strikes by the United States alone or conducted with Israel could destroy or damage Iran’s most important nuclear sites, but will only temporarily set back Iran’s nuclear program for up to four years, according to… Continue Reading