America’s Persian and Arabian Wars

by Chas Freeman Sometime between 460 and 450 B.C.E., Herodotus wrote The Persian Wars, his account of the Greeks’ two wars with the Persians, which spanned thirteen years. Even in a time when trends and events unfolded more slowly than… Continue Reading

Iran’s Prospects and a Role for Europe

by Francois Nicoullaud and Peter Jenkins At this point nuances of interpretation in relation to the outcome of the first round of 2016 elections to Iran’s parliament (Majles) are possible, and the results of a second round are awaited. Nonetheless, it… Continue Reading

Rouhani’s Post-Election Openings and Challenges

by Ellie Geranmayeh Despite their limited choice, Iranian voters opted to back a strategy that diluted the power of radical hardliners within the Islamic Republic rather than conceding the political game to them. Last week’s election results strengthened the alignment… Continue Reading

Iran’s Struggle with Air Pollution

by Mehrnaz Samimi Iran’s pollution, a decades-old issue, has steadily increased in recent years, claiming lives and damaging healthy lungs. Iran’s most recent official statistics concludes that, on average, one person dies of pollution-related causes in the capital, Tehran, every… Continue Reading

Trump or Israel: Who Is More Friendly to Dictators?

by Ali Gharib The revanchist Zionist group, the Emergency Committee for Israel (ECI), is at it again: back at the task of keeping the Republican Party pure of heart, brooking no deviations from neoconservatism as it is broadly practiced in Washington.… Continue Reading