Dereliction of Duty

by James A. Russell It’s hard to know whether to laugh or cry listening to President Obama’s series of retrospective interviews on radio and television about his eight years in office. He invariably comes off as a bright, reasonable, detached… Continue Reading

Why Intelligence Briefings Matter

by Paul R. Pillar and Roger George As President-elect Donald Trump establishes his national-security team and delves into major foreign-policy issues, it is clear that he begins with a dim view of what intelligence can offer. Like many presidents-elect without… Continue Reading

AIPAC Touts Its Accomplishments

by Lara Friedman [As we have over the past two years, LobeLog is posting excerpts from the Legislative Round-up published weekly when Congress is in session by the inimitable Lara Friedman of Americans for Peace Now about what Congress is up… Continue Reading

In Yemen, Yet Another Undeclared U.S. War

by Rebecca Gordon The long national nightmare that was the 2016 presidential election is finally over. Now, we’re facing a worse terror: the reality of a Trump presidency. Donald Trump has already promised to nominate a segregationist attorney general, a… Continue Reading