The Neocon-Islamophobe Nexus: Clarion brings together Perle and Gaffney

The Clarion Fund has been careful to claim that their documentary films, which have included “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West” and “The Third Jihad,” are neither partisan nor designed to fan the flames of Islamophobia. But recent associations… Continue Reading

Who is the No. 1 Counter-Jihadi? Gaffney or May?

There’s been a little bit of a sideshow setting up this year’s CPAC confab. Arch-Islamophobe Frank Gaffney was booted from the Conservative Political Action Conference agenda. At Religion Dispatches, Sarah Posner spoke with Suhail Khan, a Muslim conservative and board member… Continue Reading

More Disingenuous Fear Mongering from Clarion Fund

The group behind a string of Islamophobic documentaries is at it again: With just 48days to go until the release of “Iranium,” the Clarion Fund has kicked into high gear promoting its film about Iran. One bit of the effort… Continue Reading

Clarion Fund: WikiLeaks Shows Iran is “threat to stability of the entire Middle East”

The Clarion Fund–a group whose ties to prominent neoconservatives and Aish HaTorah we have written about recently–just sent out an email promoting their latest film, Iranium, and suggests that the WikiLeaks cables prove Iran is a destabilizing influence on the… Continue Reading

*UPDATED* Defender of Clarion Fund Linked Back to Aish HaTorah

In a response to my post on the Clarion Fund’s advisory board, a user named “Nate Mellin” wrote a comment which challenged my reporting on the Clarion Fund’s documentaries and my participation in JewsOnFirst’s Rebutting Obsession project. The charges against… Continue Reading