Everything the Neocons Said about Sailorgate Is Wrong

by Ali Gharib You knew, when Iran detained 10 American sailors in its territorial waters just before President Obama delivered his State of the Union, that the reaction from the right was going to be ugly. But I must confess… Continue Reading

The Abrams Attack on Kerry

by Ali Gharib Elliott Abrams is a liar and, it turns out, a coward. Abrams penned the latest installment in a string of articles by right-wing pro-Israel hacks calling Secretary of State John Kerry an anti-Semite. Abrams’s headline was entirely… Continue Reading

Islamophobia Surges on the Right

by Ali Gharib Barack Obama seems determined to strike out at the anti-Muslim bigotry coursing through the American right. The policies being pushed by Republicans—particularly by those campaigning to be president—have reached a new low, and the ugliness driving them… Continue Reading

CAP and Netanyahu

by Ali Gharib Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is touring Washington this week. Yesterday morning, he met Barack Obama at the White House. Last night, he was be fêted by his comrades at the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute. But none… Continue Reading

A Bit More on Dennis Ross

by Ali Gharib By way of a brief update to my recent post on Dennis Ross’s Blame America First outlook on the rocky US-Israel relationship, I think it’s worthwhile to come up to speed on a couple of late-developing points.… Continue Reading