“Delusion” Challenges U.S. Claims About Nuclear Iran

by Peter Jenkins via IPS News A Dangerous Delusion is the work of one of Britain’s most brilliant political commentators, Peter Oborne, and an Irish physicist, David Morrison, who has written powerfully about the misleading of British public and parliamentary opinion… Continue Reading

Al-Monitor: U.S. National Intelligence Estimate on Iran is from 2010, experts say

Laura Rozen clears up the cloud of confusion and media frenzy over Ehud Barak’s comments last week implying that a new U.S. intelligence assessment on Iran that shares Israel’s assessment of Iran’s nuclear program has been released: Several American former… Continue Reading

Q&A with the ACA’s Daryl Kimball about Iran’s Nuclear Program

Since 2001, Daryl Kimball has been the the executive director of the Arms Control Association, a private, non-profit membership organization dedicated to public education and support of effective arms control measures. Mr. Kimball’s expertise includes nuclear nonproliferation issues, the Nonproliferation Treaty and he… Continue Reading