Untying the Gordian Knot of Israeli-Palestinian Relations

by James Spencer International relations are roiled as they have not been for a generation. Syria is ablaze, and conflicts may engulf its neighbors. Russia has seized the Crimea and raised concerns among the Baltic states. China is asserting claims in the… Continue Reading

What the Turkish Coup Means for Iran

by Shireen Hunter Iran was among the very first governments to express its support for the democratically elected government of Turkey during the recent failed coup d’état. High Iranian officials such as the president, foreign minister, and the speaker of… Continue Reading

US Media Find European Terror Deaths 19 Times More Interesting Than Mideast Terror Deaths

by Adam Johnson A survey conducted by FAIR of US media coverage of ISIS or ISIS-inspired attacks in Europe and the Middle East reveals a disparity of coverage, showing that European deaths are roughly 1,800 percent more newsworthy than deaths in… Continue Reading

Israel/Palestine: Bad Policy, Bad Politics

by James J. Zogby  To understand why the United States fails so miserably in efforts to achieve an Israeli/Palestinian peace, all you need to do is take a look at the mix of bad policy and bad politics found in… Continue Reading