Japan Divided Over Any Revision to Its “Peace Constitution”

by Donald Kirk The overwhelming success of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the latest elections for members of the Japanese “Diet” — the peculiar word for Japan’s parliament or national assembly — portends hardening of tensions and priorities in Northeast… Continue Reading

A Breath of Fresh Air on Nuclear Weapons Policy

by William D. Hartung For the growing number of Americans who are now paying attention to the long-neglected issue of the dangers posed by nuclear weapons, the primary reaction is fear, focused on one of three concerns: fear of a… Continue Reading

McCain and American Engagement: A Dangerous Option

by Gordon Adams  John McCain has been much celebrated for his stirring Philadelphia critique of the Trump foreign policy as “half baked, spurious nationalism.” Although he is absolutely right to blister Trump’s eccentric, tweet-driven non-strategy, McCain’s alternative policy would send… Continue Reading