Deconstructing the Myth of Lavizan-Shian

by Gareth Porter As the world awaits the mid-December report of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Yukiya Amano on the accusations of past Iranian work on nuclear weapons, anticipation of the report’s content will be shaped primarily by… Continue Reading

Kuwait and the Islamic State

by Alex Stout and Giorgio Cafiero Throughout the twenty-first century, the oil-rich Persian Gulf nation of Kuwait has enjoyed relative stability and security. This tranquility is largely attributable to the harmonious coexistence of Kuwait’s Sunnis and Shi’ites and the ruling… Continue Reading

The Politics of Hostage-Taking in Iran

by Mansour Farhang The day that Iranian students attacked the U. S. embassy in Tehran— November 4, 1979—marks a durably contentious date in US–Iranian relations. Henry Kissinger once described Iran under the late Shah as “that rarest of things in international… Continue Reading

Rubio Anointed Neocon Choice

by Eli Clifton At the end of last week, third-place Republican primary candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) won a major endorsement, effectively making him the neoconservative candidate of choice and the GOP establishment’s top pick. That endorsement didn’t come from… Continue Reading