Iran Deal: Obama Channels Nixon?

by John Feffer One of the greatest moments of U.S. diplomacy in the 20th century was Nixon’s opening to China. It was a surprise, a breathtaking opportunity, and a true game-changer. It was also one of the strangest political matches… Continue Reading

The Iran Nuclear Deal and the Question of “Trust”

by Derek Davison Politico reports that the White House effort to lobby Senate Democrats on the Iran deal has already started, and the theme that seems to be common among skeptical Dems is that we can’t trust Iran. Here are… Continue Reading

GCC Stays Onboard with Iran Deal

by Thomas W. Lippman Sherlock Holmes once found a clue in a dog that did not bark. That is a useful way to look at the muted but generally supportive response of Saudi Arabia and the other Arab States of the… Continue Reading