The Best Case Against the Iran Deal Has Some Holes

by Ali Gharib There’s a lot wrong in Vox‘s interview with Michael Doran, the neoconservative Hudson Institute scholar, on diplomacy with Iran, which bears the very Vox-ish headline “This is the case against Obama’s Iran deal that everyone should hear.”… Continue Reading

Iran Nuke Deal Would Be a Mixed Bag for Azerbaijan

by Eldar Mamedov A lot still has to happen before a deal to monitor Iran’s nuclear program can be implemented. But if it goes through, Azerbaijan could face a diplomatic quandary. Representatives of the 5+1 group (comprising the United States,… Continue Reading

Lindsey Graham’s “All-Jewish Cabinet”

by Eli Clifton and Jim Lobe Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) spoke bluntly about his plans for raising campaign funds for his prospective presidential campaign in an interview published today on “Washington Wire,” a Wall Street Journal blog. Over a glass… Continue Reading

Yemen and the American Impulse to Take Sides

by Paul R. Pillar A strong Manichean streak runs through American perceptions of the outside world.  That streak involves a habit of seeing all conflict and instability in binomial terms, a presumption that one of the perceived two sides is… Continue Reading