Military more cautious than civilians over Iran

As in the lead-up to the Iraq war, U.S. government civilians and the military brass appear divided over the prospect of war with Iran. In a recent interview, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey noted the… Continue Reading

Doves and Hawks agree that U.S. Policy on Iran is failing, but oh how their reasoning differs

Frequent IPS News contributor Barbara Slavin begins this C-Span discussion on Iran’s nuclear program by noting that she’s concerned about the trajectory the U.S. is on with Iran: …it’s very easy to impose sanctions, and more sanctions and more sanctions, more… Continue Reading

Panetta on war with Iran

By Gary Sick In recent months, we have had some strong views expressed, by people who have real knowledge of the situation, about the potential consequences of a military strike by Israel and/or the United States against Iran’s nuclear infrastructure. Former… Continue Reading