NSN: Palin ‘Politicizing War Against Iran’

The National Security Network (NSN), an organization dedicated to promoting “pragmatic and principled” U.S. foreign policy, reports on the comments made Tuesday by 2008 Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin in an interview with the conservative website NewsMax. Her comments, says NSN, are part of… Continue Reading

The Daily Talking Points

News and views relevant to U.S.-Iran relations for September 17. The Wall Street Journal: Joe Parkinson reports on Turkish Prime Minister Tayyup Erdogan’s comments on Thursday that Ankara is seeking to triple its trade with Iran over the next five… Continue Reading

Bloomberg Refudiates “Ground Zero Mosque” Demagoguery

While everyone from former half-term Alaskan governors to former Georgia congressmen to heads of major Jewish civil rights organizations seems to feel entitled to offer their opinion on the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque” — the subject of Ali’s excellent post… Continue Reading

Banging the War Drums, playing Pipes, Sarah Palin calls the Wrong Tune

In a Fox News interview with Chris Wallace on Sunday, political aspirant and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin confused and conflated the neocon “bomb, bomb Iran” message of Daniel Pipes, founder and Director of the right-wing neoconservative Middle East Forum with the views of conservative MSNBC news commentator and Townhall.com blogger Pat Buchanan.
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