What’s Next on Iran’s Nuclear Dossier?

The always thorough Mark Hibbs has a smart piece regarding the meaning of the resolution passed last week by the International Atomic Energy Association’s (IAEA) Board of Governors regarding Iran’s nuclear program. The resolution was initiated by the P5+1 (the… Continue Reading

Hawks on Iran

Lobe Log publishes Hawks on Iran every Friday. Our posts highlight militaristic commentary and confrontational policy recommendations about Iran from a variety of sources including news articles, think tanks and pundits. Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post: The neoconservative pundit attacks the Obama… Continue Reading

US Analysts: Netanyahu crossing the line with Obama

Adding to a central point of David Remnick’s article in the New Yorker earlier this week — that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has gone too far with his pressure campaign against President Barak Obama and alienated allies in the process… Continue Reading

David Remnick: Netanyahu’s Attacks on Obama aid Neocon Strategy

The New Yorker’s David Remnick explains why Benjamin Netanyahu’s “high-handed way” of dealing with US presidents serves neoconservative strategy: …In his first term as Prime Minister, in the nineties, Netanyahu used to behave in such a high-handed way with White… Continue Reading

Is Romney Moving Left on Foreign Policy

As my story about the new Chicago Council on Global Affairs public-opinion survey notes, the neo-conservative and aggressive-nationalist coalition that dominated George W. Bush’s first term in office (and was responsible for the Iraq debacle) is pretty much rejected by… Continue Reading