Livni Joining With Labor: Not A Game-Changer

by Mitchell Plitnick The media in Israel is abuzz with the news that Tzipi Livni will bring her Ha’Tnuah party into a joint ticket with the much larger Labor party. Now there is a tandem that can outpoll Likud, they… Continue Reading

New Israeli Elections Offer Little Hope For Change

by Mitchell Plitnick The Israeli government is headed for yet another round of elections. Although the official election date for the next Knesset is November 7, 2017, no one ever expected this government to last that long. The voting will likely… Continue Reading

Why Is Netanyahu Targeting Abbas for the Har Nof Massacre?

by Mitchell Plitnick This past Tuesday saw the latest in a horrifyingly long line of atrocities in Jerusalem. Two armed Palestinians entered a synagogue in the Har Nof neighborhood, killed five Israeli civilians and wounded six others before police gunned… Continue Reading

Myth-Making and Obama’s UNGA Speech

by Mitchell Plitnick Once again, in his speech Wednesday at the United Nations, President Obama revealed the reduced importance of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on his agenda. He also revealed just how out of touch his entire country is with respect to reality.… Continue Reading

Is this the real Gaza ceasefire?

by Mitchell Plitnick Israel and Hamas have agreed to another ceasefire, and there seems to be some sense that this one will last. The terms of the agreement leave many issues up in the air, which tends to work strongly in Israel’s… Continue Reading