Diplomacy or Armed Struggle? Palestinian Factions Look Ahead

by Ronit Marzan On October 21 of this year, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) leader Ramadan Shalah gave a speech marking 29 years since the movement’s founding. Shalah’s speech largely resembled those he has given in the past, but the historical… Continue Reading

Shaking Up Alignments in the Middle East

by Paul R. Pillar Some recent policy decisions by Middle Eastern governments have the potential to shake up regional alignments, or what are widely perceived to be alignments. In the near term this will have little to do with the… Continue Reading

Is this the real Gaza ceasefire?

by Mitchell Plitnick Israel and Hamas have agreed to another ceasefire, and there seems to be some sense that this one will last. The terms of the agreement leave many issues up in the air, which tends to work strongly in Israel’s… Continue Reading